If you’re a fine art student looking for a helping hand with your academic expenses, Kala Sakshi Memorial Trust (KSMT) has brought just the perfect opportunity for you. Towards the end of July 2023. KSMT announced their annual art scholarship applications open for the year 2023-24. For more details on the same, read on.
- Eligibility: The Applicant must be a final year student of Bachelor’s / Diploma in Fine Arts or a Previous/Final Year student of Master’s in Fine Arts. (All streams in fine arts included in this scholarship are painting, sculpture, printmaking, new media or allied visual art form). The applicants must also be between the age of 20-30 years old. The applicant must also have a total of 60% minimum in their past examination.
- Last Date of Submission: September 15th, 2023.
- Documentation: Apart from ID proof, qualifications and college affiliations, the application for the scholarship demands the applicants to describe their work in under 300 words. Moreover, the scholarship also requires a reference by 1 qualified artist in the profession who is familiar with the applicant’s work or who may have worked with/supervised the applicant. The portfolio for the scholarship must include a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 10 artworks by the applicant from last year in JPEG format.
- Application link: Click here.
The KSMT scholarship programme honours and encourages Indian students with exceptional artistic talent. A grant of 30,000 INR would be given to each scholarship recipient. Additionally, they will have the priceless chance to be mentored by seasoned members of the artistic world, giving them the chance to learn from accomplished experts.

About Kala Sakshi Memorial Trust
Kavita and Pawan Nayar founded the Kala Sakshi Memorial Trust (KSMT) in honour of their daughter Sakshi Nayar (1985-2008), a multifaceted artist who excelled in a variety of disciplines, including painting, music, theatre, electronic media, and fashion. Through visual art scholarships, KSMT is committed to assisting and presenting opportunities for exceptional Indian art students. The trust gives out five scholarships every year to final-year undergraduate and previous/final-year post-graduate art students who demonstrate a passion for creation and preserve the principles of integrity, in keeping with Sakshi’s views.
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