

The History of Fan Art?

Two superheroes in vibrant red and black costumes sitting on a wooden boat in a serene turquoise lagoon, surrounded by lush palm trees and overwater bungalows in the background, exuding a fun and adventurous vibe.

Fan art is a curious thing, a sign of fans’ limitless creativity and unending desire to pay tribute to their beloved characters, stories or public figures, sometimes with amazing talent and other times with a “well, they tried” energy. But where does the charming cocktail of admiration and artistic fervour come from? Spoiler alert: fan […]

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Christopher Benninger on Shaping the Future of Architectural Education in India: Moving Beyond the ‘Great Man’ Theory (Part-1)

A futuristic architectural workspace with urban cityscapes in the background, featuring professionals collaborating on designs and surrounded by innovative and sustainable architectural models.

Christopher Benninger regarded as a legendary figure of Indian and international architecture, had built a great legacy which will keep inspiring generations. Great Expectations: Notes to an Architect, his most recent and final book, published posthumously in October 2024, is a sequel of sorts to his bestselling 2011 title, Letters to a Young Architect, and a philosophical

Christopher Benninger on Shaping the Future of Architectural Education in India: Moving Beyond the ‘Great Man’ Theory (Part-1) Read More »

Gaitonde’s Paintings Are Not Mirrors Reflecting Familiar Objects but Documents of the Turmoil Within (Part-4)

A black-and-white portrait of Vasudeo S. Gaitonde, an Indian modernist artist, looking contemplative with a cigarette in his hand. The setting is minimal, with a soft-focus background, emphasizing his thoughtful expression and artistic persona. ​​

Vasudeo S. Gaitonde, one of India’s most celebrated modernist painters, is often regarded as a pioneer of non-representational art in India. Renowned for his meditative abstraction, Gaitonde’s works transcend the tangible, inviting viewers into a realm of introspection and inner dialogue. The noted artist and writer Akhilesh offers a compelling perspective on Gaitonde’s art, resisting

Gaitonde’s Paintings Are Not Mirrors Reflecting Familiar Objects but Documents of the Turmoil Within (Part-4) Read More »

Why Is Western Art Defined by “Isms” While Indian Art Is Rooted in Regions and Traditions?

A composite image featuring vibrant traditional Indian artwork depicting Krishna playing the flute alongside mythological figures, juxtaposed with a classical European painting of Jesus surrounded by disciples, showcasing diverse artistic styles and cultural storytelling.

Introduction Art mirrors society, with its cultural, historical and philosophical underpinning. One of the organising principles of Western art history has been the categorisation of the development of the arts into movements or “isms” such as Impressionism, Cubism and Surrealism, which represent identifiable styles, philosophies, and historical phases. Indian art, by contrast, is usually named

Why Is Western Art Defined by “Isms” While Indian Art Is Rooted in Regions and Traditions? Read More »

Easy Climate Change Drawings Ideas for a Global Effect

Climate Change Drawing: Inspiring Art with a Powerful Message Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, affecting ecosystems and weather patterns, which has in turn affected communities across the globe. As its global awareness grows, many individuals are modifying their daily practices to help the planet.  This is also where

Easy Climate Change Drawings Ideas for a Global Effect Read More »

What Was Gaitonde Waiting For? For What Hope Did He Create? (Part-3)

A black-and-white portrait of V. S. Gaitonde, an iconic Indian modernist artist, exuding a contemplative expression with his hand resting against his cheek. The minimal background emphasizes his thoughtful demeanor and artistic legacy.

V.S. Gaitonde, India’s most revered abstract painters, creates a unique space in contemporary art through his masterful manipulation of form and colour. His minimalist approach and spiritual undertones create an enigmatic world where form, space, and memory intertwine. His canvases invite viewers into a reflective space, where they must confront their own perceptions and emotions.

What Was Gaitonde Waiting For? For What Hope Did He Create? (Part-3) Read More »

Thanksgiving Traditions Inspire Art!

A painting by Jennie Augusta Brownscombe titled "The First Thanksgiving" from 1914, housed at the Pilgrim Hall Museum in Plymouth, MA, USA. The artwork depicts Pilgrims and Native Americans gathered outdoors around a large table for a shared meal, surrounded by autumn foliage and a rustic cabin. A woman is seated with children nearby, adding a serene, communal atmosphere. ​

Introduction The Thanksgiving holiday is a quintessential American cultural event, with family bounties of food and grateful reflection. Although it has a very traditional background, it still continues to be a source of inspiration for artists. Thanksgiving has spanned art history, from origins to modern-day expressions, depicted through different art forms league by league, whether

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How Does The Great Mughals Exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum Celebrate Akbar’s Legacy?

Opaque watercolour and gold painting of a zebra (1621) presented to Jahangir by Mansur, featuring detailed black and white stripes, surrounded by a floral decorative border, showcasing Mughal artistry. © Victoria & Albert Museum

The latest show at the Victoria and Albert Museum, The Great Mughals: Art, Architecture and Opulence, is a breathtaking look into the golden age of the Mughal Empire. The display covers the reigns of Akbar, Jahangir, and Shah Jahan and celebrates 100 years of artistic creativity, cultural fusion, and imperial prestige. A Legacy of Artistry

How Does The Great Mughals Exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum Celebrate Akbar’s Legacy? Read More »