

The 9 Depictions of Ravana Across the Subcontinent

Introduction Ravana, a central figure in the Indian epic Ramayana, is traditionally known as the ten-headed demon king of Lanka who abducted Sita, leading to a war with Lord Rama. However, across the subcontinent, his character has been depicted in numerous ways, reflecting different cultural, religious, and regional perspectives. This essay explores 11 unique depictions […]

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Swiss or Remiss!: 8 Swiss Watch Brands Who Dominate the World

Learn About The Iconic Timepiece Companies Whether we are impatiently waiting for our friends, or writing an examination paper hurriedly, we always get a second or so to peek at the wall clocks, wristwatches, or smartphones. Medieval people were enthralled by horology; desperately looking for ways to measure time, building tools such as sundials, hourglasses,

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The Influence of Rajnish Osho on the Language of Art

A spiritual leader who was a controversial and global name Rajnish Osho is still the main topic across both philosophical and artistic circles while they either loved him or hated it, there is no middle. Though he is most commonly associated with meditation, sexuality and radical spiritual ideologies, his influence on art—the language and modality

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From Madhuri Dixit to Horses: Explore the Best Paintings of M.F. Husain in 10 pictures.

The famed painter M.F. Husain was known for his colourful Cubist-style works that included nude Hindu deities, metropolitan settings, horses, and even Madhuri Dixit. He started out studying calligraphy before pursuing a career in Mumbai painting movie posters and creating toys. He was born in 1915. During a 1953 trip, he was exposed to European

From Madhuri Dixit to Horses: Explore the Best Paintings of M.F. Husain in 10 pictures. Read More »

BORN ON THIS DAY: M. F. Husain, The Bombay Progressive Who Reinvented the Pictorial Plane

17th Sep’ 2023 ON THIS DAY “Art is always ahead of time. Tomorrow, they will understand it” —M. F. Husain Early Moorings M. F. Husain, popularly hailed as the ‘Picasso of India’, was born on this day, 17th September, in 1915. Maqbool Fida Husain was born in Pandharpur, in Maharashtra today and then in the

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‘Nature in Architecture’; The Voices of Antoni Gaudi

Let’s Learn Antoni Gaudi’s Facts Gaston Bachelard’s exploration of language, distinguishing between the utilitarian “signification” and the creative “poetry,” provides a lens through which we can analyse the intersection of language and architecture. In Michael Graves’ “A Case for Figurative Architecture,” the analogy between everyday language and the internal structure of a building is drawn,

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Meenaxi: M.F. Husain’s Cinematic Canvas of Art and Imagination

M.F. Hussain, renowned as the “Picasso of India,” made an unforgettable impression on the world of art with his ingenuity and limitless imagination. His first venture towards filmmaking resulted  in the gem known as “Meenaxi.” This cinematic masterpiece, which was released in 2004, demonstrates  Hussain’s abilities as a painter, storyteller, and visionary. Meenaxi immerses spectators

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Namboothiri: Kerala’s Master Illustrator, Cartoonist and A People’s Artist

When we think of the quirky and unforgettable characters of Charles Dickens and their hold over British readerly imagination in the 19th century, we wholeheartedly pay tribute – and rightly so – to the impeccable writing skill of Dickens as an author but what we often fail to acknowledge is the role of illustrators like

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