While we focus on Indian art, we can’t obviously function in a vacuum. It’s a small world and everything is connected, especially on the web. So, let’s train our spotlight across the world map to see what’s going on — from art trends to socio-political issues to everything that affects the great aesthetic global consciousness. Or, let’s just travel the world and have some fun!
$3 M. Works by Mark Bradford and Richard Prince Top Frieze Los Angeles Sales
Courtesy- Art News
At the opening of Frieze Los Angeles on Thursday, collectors and museums appeared especially keen to acquire art, with dealers reporting success in placing works in institutional collections based in the U.S. and Europe. In their sales reports, dealers said that the return to Los Angeles for this year’s edition of the heralded fair was fruitful. Works valued as high as $3.5 million landed buyers, signaling that business was taking place at a steady pace on opening day. A few dealers said this opening outpaced expectations. “The energy both at the fair and beyond has been contagious,” Lehmann Maupin partner Jessica Kreps said in an email to ARTnews. “My conversations with curators and collectors seem deeper and much more calculated this year. People are interested in learning more about long-lived and established careers, rather than looking out for the next best thing.” Details on Art News.
Minneapolis Institute of Art Workers Picket Outside the Museum Amid Unionization Battle
Courtesy- Art News
Workers at the Minneapolis Institute of Art have begun an informational picket outside of the museum, the Minnesota Reformer reported Thursday. Temporary employees at the museum, who refer to themselves as “casuals,” unionized in 2021 with OPEIU (Office and Professional Employees Union) Local 12. The unionization process was prompted by massive layoffs of “casual” employees during the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, those employees numbered around 100, but were then shaved down to 35. Before unionization, most of the “casual” workers did not make the Minneapolis-suggested wage of $15 an hour. The workers have criticized the way museum leadership handled the economic hardships of 2020, pointing out that the leadership at Mia only took a 15% pay cut whereas leaders at other museums sacrificed much more of their high salaries to keep staff on retention. Details on Art News.
100-Year-Old Dalí drawings recovered which was stolen in Barcelona art heist
Courtesy- Reuters
Spanish police have recovered two 100-year-old drawings by surrealist painter Salvador Dali that were stolen last year in a burglary in Barcelona. The police said they had detained three brothers aged 50, 53 and 55 and seized the two drawings made by Dali in 1922 to illustrate a book “Las Gracies de Emporda” on the request of its author Pere Coromines. They also seized other art works including graphic works by fellow Spanish artist Joan Miro, luxury watches and valuable coins and banknotes. The art works – two dark rural sceneries drawn on brown paper – were authenticated by the Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation, which holds the rights on the late painter’s works, police said. Details on Reuters.