How to Make A Popsicle Stick Wall Decor: 5 Ideas

Materials Needed

– Popsicle sticks – Craft paint in various colours – Paintbrushes – Hot glue gun and glue sticks – Cardboard or foam board – String or wire (optional for hanging) – Decorative items like beads, sequins, or buttons (optional)

1. Animal Structure

Create a geometric structure resembling that of an animal. These look majestic on walls if done right.

2. Arrows

Colour your sticks a more earthy brown and design multiple arrows up on your walls. You can even add in a heart for an extra detail.

3. Christmas Decor

Shape the sticks into a snowflake, add in the fake leaves and voila! a perfect Christmas decor.

4. Tiny Shelf

Layer the sticks in bulk and create multiple small shelves for your bedroom.

5. Wall Hanging

Go for a good old wall hanging. Use the threads and beads and let the creativity cook.